Strong proficiency with
all medical subspecialties

Award-Winning Work

TP provided transcription for Creative Street's
Emmy-award winning Vietnam Nurses

Fully HIPAA Compliant

Files are encrypted with 256-bit AES encryption.

Transcription Plus

Transcription Plus, based in Indianapolis, provides accurate transcription services. Firmly rooted in the Indianapolis community since 1991, we have provided accurate and timely transcription services to hundreds of satisfied clients in Indiana and beyond. From medical practices at IU Health and St. Vincent's, to television and film production companies with products that air on local and national broadcast networks, to major companies handling worker's compensation claims, Transcription Plus has the versatility and experience you have come to expect.

Transcription Services

Whether it is 24-hour turnaround, transcription of digital files, or time stamping, rest assured that our services will suit your needs at competitive prices. Located in Indianapolis, we offer transcription services to clients in Indiana. We firmly believe that a local transcription service understands the needs of its clients better than others. And this belief has made us a Roche and IU Health preferred vendor.


Unlike other transcription services, our transcriptionists consistently transcribe for the same clinicians and clients. Familiarity with a speaker's dictating style, cadence, and dialect are keys to accuracy. Furthermore, new accounts undergo a multi-level review process before the final document is returned.


Transcription Plus understands the fragile framework within which our clients operate. All files are encrypted with 256-bit AES encryption. All transcriptionists are HIPAA-compliant. And electronic transmission of audio and text files is always encrypted by SSL or SFTP.

We Offer

  • Accurate transcripts
  • Turnaround times as fast as 12 hours
  • Flexibility: We can transcribe your audio.
    • Phone-in dictation system
    • Electronic audio files
    • Standard/micro cassette
  • No startup costs
  • 30 years experience
  • HIPAA compliance

Our Clients